Illegal WinSock function invoked while a blocking function is in progress
An attempt was made to cancel an asynchronous operation that has already completed
Specified socket descriptor is not valid for this application
Destination address was required but none was supplied to the function
Datagram too large for buffer
Specified protocol does not match the other parameters in the call
Protocol option is unknown or invalid
Specified protocol is not supported by the Windows Sockets implementation
Specified socket type is not supported by the specified address family
Socket does not support the specified operation
Protocol family not supported
Specified address family is not supported by the Windows Sockets implementation or cannot be used with the indicated socket
Specified address is already in use
Specified address is not available from the local machine
Problem with the network subsystem
Network cannot be reached from this host at this time
Connection was dropped and must be reset
Connection was aborted because of a timeout or other error condition
Connection was reset by the remote host
Windows Sockets implementation is out of buffer space or the space provided in an API call by the application was too small to hold the requested information
Specified socket is already connected
Specified socket is not connected
Socket has had the requested functionality shut down
Connection attempt timed out before the connection could be established
Connection attempt was forcefully rejected
Network subsystem is not yet ready for communication
Windows Sockets DLL does not support the requested Winsock protocol version
Windows Sockets not initialized
Requested database information does not exist; as confirmed by an authoritative host
Requested information was not found but the answer was not authoritative
Non-recoverable error occurred
Name supplied was valid but no information of the requested type is in the database